RM Analyzer Help


RM Sets of this type are used as an input for plotting response history diagrams. Force, displacement, reactions, velocity, acceleration, and/or time can be selected under component to be assigned to a different element or node in the bridge.

Response History Diagram

Click "New" to add new diagram. Multiple diagram can be created. Selected diagram can be removed by clicking on Delete button.

User can create up to 16 diagrams, each of them containing up to 16 curves. The general overview is on left side in tree form.

Diagram Information

General information about diagram

Name: Name of diagram

Output Every: Every x step (where x is the actual value and default value is 1) will be written to Excel file.

Plot steps: Every x step (where x is the actual value and default value is 1) will be plotted.

Curve Format

General information about curve

Legend: Curve name

Write: If enabled, curve output will be stored to Excel file (excel result depends on the output steps defined in Diagram information).

Plot: If enabled, curve will be plotted (frequency depends on Plot steps defined in Diagram information) .

Line Thickness: Thickness of the plotted line (1 pixel by default).

Line Type: Type of the plotted line: Solid, dashed (small, medium, large), dashed and dotted (small, medium, large), and dotted.

Line Color: Color of the line, color can be also selected by double-clicking in the box.

Abscissa (X-Axis) or Ordinate (Y-Axis)

Definition of parameters which will be displayed on corresponding axis.

Time: time (by default in seconds)

Direction: Vx, Vy, Vz, Rx, Ry, Rz: translation (V) or rotation (R) in appropriate axis (X, Y, Z)

Element/Node: Element number

Absolute Response Type: Display Forces, Displacement, or Reactions of specified element at specified

Position: (Begin, End, or Relative position between 0 and 1)

Relative Response Type: Display Displacement, Velocity, or Acceleration as difference between the beginning and end in the specified element.

Node: Node number

Display Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, or Reactions in the specified node

Insert new curve before: user can add a new curve (per defined parameters) before a selected curve.

Insert new curve after: user can add a new curve (per defined parameters) after a selected curve.

Copy new curve: user can copy a curve which will be added to end of the list.

Delete selected curve: Selected curve will be deleted selected curve.

Save the current curve: Information about the curve will be modified/edited and saved.

Move up/down: Small arrows allow to change the position of selected curve in list.

XLS Format: xls or xlsx - specify the extension of final Excel file (xls files support only up to 256 columns and 65536 rows whereas xlsx can go up to 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns).

OK Button: this will save all the changes and close the dialog.

Note: warning message will appear if axis units on one the diagrams are not consistent.

Cancel Button: This will discard all changes and will close the dialog without applying any modification.